Wilpattu National Park

Elephants in Wilpattu National Park
Area 1317 km2
Height above sea level 0 - 152 meters
Distance from Colombo 185 km
Nearest Cities Puttalam (26km) / Anuradhapura (30km)
Open hours 6.00 am to 6.00 pm
Main entrance Hunuwilagama entrance

Wilpattu National Park is the largest national park in Sri Lanka in terms of size. Located in the North Western and North Central Provinces.

If you are coming from Colombo, take the Puttalam-Anuradhapura road about 30 km from Puttalam and there is the Wilpattu junction. From there you will find the entrance 2 or 3 km inside.

From Anuradhapura, you can reach Wilpattu Junction in about 30 km. It’s best to stay close to the gate from 5.00 am – 5.30 am. Only safari jeeps and 4-wheel drive vehicles can enter the park. In the morning you can get a safari jeep from Wilpattu junction. There are telephone numbers of the safari jeep drivers below.

You can book bungalows in the park and travel morning, evening, or full day as you wish. You can get a ticket to enter the park from the office.

Wilpattu National Park Safari jeep prices,

* Morning / Evening – Rs.4500

* Full day – Rs. 8000

(if you want breakfast/lunch, you can inform safari drivers in advance)

Wilpattu National Park has a temperature of 27C – 30C and an annual rainfall of 900mm. Despite being a forest in the dry zone, the plants are green throughout the year. Due to the large number of lakes, the park can provide ample water for the animals. The best time to visit the animals here is from February to October.

According to reports, the park is home to about 30 species of four-limbed animals, including Asian elephants, Sri Lankan tigers, bears, deer, and bulls. There are also a large number of crocodiles near the lakes. Wilpattu is also a bird paradise. https://www.wilpattu.com/birds-recorded-by-the-author.php This website contains the names of the birds currently recorded.

Wilpattu National Park Safari drivers

Ajith – 0776369182
Asinka – 0776720162 / 0702387789
Dammika – 0779447045
Dinesh – 0778200462 / 0719822507
Dumindu – 0771671814
Madusanka – 0777860382

For more details about Park Fees and Bungalow reservations, visit http://www.dwc.gov.lk/